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Terms & Conditions.

Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

Terms & conditions


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Standard Terms of Business

Introduction of Candidates to Clients for Direct Employment/Engagement


1.        Definitions

1.1      In these Terms -

Client” means the person, firm or corporate body to whom Employment Agency Introduces a Candidate;

Candidate” means the person Introduced by Employment Agency to Client including, any member or employee of the Candidate if the Candidate is a limited liability partnership, and members of Employment Agency’s own staff;

Conduct Regulations” means the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003 (as amended);

 “Engagement” means the engagement, employment or use of the Candidate on a permanent or temporary basis, whether under a contract of service or for services; under an agency, license, franchise or partnership agreement; or indirectly through another company and “Engages” and “Engaged” will be construed accordingly;

Introduction” means -

(a)    the passing of a curriculum vitæ or information about the Candidate; or

(b)    the interview of a Candidate in person or by telephone or by any other audio or visual means,

and the time of the Introduction will be taken to be the earlier of (a) and (b) above; and “Introduced” and “Introduces” will be construed accordingly;

Remuneration” includes base salary or fees, guaranteed and/or anticipated bonus and commission earnings, allowances, inducement payments, shift allowances, location weighting and call-out allowances, the benefit of a company car and all other payments or emoluments payable to or receivable by the Candidate for work (or for services where applicable) to be rendered to or on behalf of Client;

Terms” means these terms of business;

Third Party” means any company or person who is not Client.  For the avoidance of doubt, subsidiary and associated companies of Client (as defined by s.1159 of the Companies Act 2006 and s.416 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 respectively) are included (without limitation) within this definition; and

Vacancy” means a specific role/s, work or position that Client requests Employment Agency to submit person for consideration for such role/s work or position.

2.        These Terms

2.1      These Terms between Employment Agency and Client in relation to the subject matter hereof are deemed accepted by Client and to apply by virtue of (a) an Introduction to Client of a Candidate; or (b) the Engagement by Client of a Candidate; or (c) the passing of information about the Candidate by Client to any Third Party; or (d) Client’s interview or request to interview a Candidate; or (e) Client’s signature at the end of these Terms; or (f) any other written expressed acceptance of these Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, these Terms apply whether or not the Candidate is Engaged by Client for the same type of work and/or Vacancy as that for which the Introduction was originally effected.

2.2      Client authorises Employment Agency to act on its behalf in seeking a person to meet Client’s requirements and, if Client so requests, shall advertise for such a person through such methods as are agreed with Client and at Client’s expense.

2.3      For the purposes of these Terms, Employment Agency acts as an employment agency as defined within the Conduct Regulations.

3.        Obligations of Employment Agency

3.1      Employment Agency shall use reasonable endeavours to introduce suitable individuals to meet the requirements of Client for each Vacancy.  Without prejudice to clause 3.2 below, Employment Agency shall use reasonable endeavours to ascertain that the information provided by Employment Agency to Client in respect of the Candidate is accurate.

3.2      Employment Agency accepts no responsibility in respect of matters outside its knowledge and Client shall satisfy itself as to the suitability of the Candidate.

4.        Client Obligations

4.1      Client is responsible for obtaining work permits and/or such other permission to work as may be required, for the arrangement of medical examinations and/or investigations into the medical history of any Candidate, for criminal records and/or background checks and for satisfying other requirements, qualifications or permission required by the law and regulations of the country in which the Candidate is engaged to work.

4.2      To enable Employment Agency to comply with its obligations under clause 3 Client undertakes to provide to Employment Agency details of the position which Client seeks to fill, including the type of work that the Candidate would be required to do; the location and hours of work; the experience, training, qualifications and any authorisation which Client considers necessary or which are required by law or any professional body for the Candidate to possess in order to work in the position; and any risks to health or safety known to Client and what steps Client has taken to prevent or control such risks.

4.3      Client agrees to provide written notice to Employment Agency within 3 working days where it receives details of a Candidate from Employment Agency which it has in the last 3 months already received from (a) another company; or (b) a person; or (c) the Candidate; or (d) any other source including (without limitation) from social media, job boards or advertisements placed by Client.  Client further agrees that if no such notice is given by Client to Employment Agency then in the event of an Engagement of the Candidate by Client, howsoever arising, Client agrees to pay Employment Agency a fee in accordance with clause 5.2.

4.4      Where Client does so notify Employment Agency in accordance with clause 4.3 above, Client will not be liable to pay Employment Agency a fee for that Candidate.  Client acknowledges and agrees that where Client is unable to evidence such, Client agrees to pay Employment Agency’s fee in accordance with clause 5.2.

4.5      Client agrees to -

a)    notify Employment Agency as soon as possible (and in any event, no later than 7 days from the date of offer or from the date the Engagement takes effect; whichever is earlier) of any offer of an Engagement which it makes to the Candidate; and

b)    notify Employment Agency immediately when its offer of an Engagement to the Candidate has been accepted and to provide details of the Candidate’s Remuneration to Employment Agency; and

c)    pay Employment Agency’s fee within the period set out under clause 6.2.

4.6      Client warrants that it shall not and shall procure that its employees and agents shall not, pass any information concerning a Candidate to any Third Party.  Client acknowledges that Introductions of Candidates are confidential and that failure to comply with this clause 4.6 may cause Employment Agency to breach the Conduct Regulations and/or the Data Protection Legislation and accordingly, Client agrees to indemnify Employment Agency from any and all liability in connection with Client’s breach of this clause 4.6.

5.        Charges/Fees

5.1      Where Client discloses to a Third Party any details regarding a Candidate and that Third Party subsequently Engages the Candidate within 12 months from the date of the Introduction, Client agrees to pay Employment Agency’s fee as set out in clause 5.3.  There is no entitlement to any rebate or refund to Client or to the Third Party in relation to fees paid in accordance with this clause 5.1.

5.2      Client agrees to pay Employment Agency a fee calculated in accordance with clause 5.3 where it Engages, whether directly or indirectly, any Candidate within 12 months from the date of Employment Agency’s Introduction.

5.3      The fee will be calculated as 25% of the Candidate’s Remuneration applicable during the first 12 months of the Engagement.  Employment Agency will charge VAT on the fee where applicable.

5.4      Where the amount of the actual Remuneration is not known or disclosed, Employment Agency will charge a fee calculated in accordance with clause 5.3 on the level of remuneration applicable –

a)    for the type of position the Candidate had been originally submitted by Employment Agency to Client for; or

b)    for a comparable position in the general marketplace.

5.5      Where the Engagement is for a fixed term of less than 12 months, the fee in clause 5.3 will apply pro-rata. Where the Engagement is extended beyond the initial fixed term or where Client re-Engages the Candidate within 6 months from the date of planned or actual termination (as applicable) of the first Engagement, Client shall pay a further fee based on the Remuneration applicable for the period of Engagement following the initial fixed term period up to the termination of the second Engagement calculated in accordance with clause 5.3.

5.6      Charges incurred by Employment Agency at Client’s written request in respect of advertising or any other matters will be charged to Client in addition to the fee and such charges will be payable whether or not the Candidate is Engaged.

5.7      Client acknowledges that it has no right to set-off, withhold or deduct monies from sums due to Employment Agency under or in connection with these Terms.

6.        Invoices

6.1      Except in the circumstances set out in clause 5.1 and 5.6 no fee is incurred by Client until the Candidate commences the Engagement; whereupon Employment Agency will render an invoice to Client for its fees.

6.2      Employment Agency shall raise invoices in respect of the charges payable and Client agrees to pay the amount due within 30 days of the date of the invoice.

6.3      All invoices will be deemed to be accepted in full by Client in accordance with the payment terms stated within clause 6.2 unless Client notifies Employment Agency, in writing within 5 days of receiving the invoice, stating the amount Client disputes and the reason Client disputes that amount. In the event Client does so notify Employment Agency that it wishes to dispute part of an invoice, Client agrees to pay the undisputed part of the invoice within the agreed payment terms and shall co-operate fully with Employment Agency in order to resolve the dispute as quickly as possible.

6.4      Employment Agency reserves the right to charge interest on invoiced amounts overdue at the statutory rate as prescribed pursuant to Section 6 of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 (as may be calculated using the calculator on the website: from the due date until the date payment is received in cleared funds and reserves the right to charge compensation and further recovery costs in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013.

7.        Rebates

7.1      Where the Candidate is terminated by Client or by the Candidate within 8 weeks of commencement, LHi will attempt to refer a replacement at no additional charge. If LHi is unable to refer a suitable replacement within 8 weeks, LHi shall refund the corresponding fee to Client, less 25% in respect of each 2 week period (or part thereof) of the Candidate’s engagement up to a maximum of 8 weeks.

7.2      Rebates strictly do not apply if the Candidate has been made redundant, unlawfully dismissed or resigns because Client has significantly modified their job duties or assigned them to another position or if the Client fails to either notify Employment Agency in writing within 5 business days of the termination or to pay all fees and expenses relating to such referral on time.

7.3      Where Client re-engages the Candidate, Client agrees that any rebate paid to Client under clause 7.1 in respect of that Candidate, will be immediately repaid to Employment Agency by Client.

8.        Liability and Indemnity

8.1      Employment Agency shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure Candidate has the required standard of skill, experience and necessary qualifications as stated in the Vacancy; nevertheless, Employment Agency is not liable for any loss, expense, damage or delay arising from and in connection with any failure on the part of Employment Agency or of Candidate to evidence such to Client nor for any negligence whether wilful or otherwise, dishonesty, fraud, acts or omissions, misconduct or lack of skill, experience or qualifications of Candidate.

8.2      Neither party is liable for any indirect or consequential losses or damage including but not limited to; loss of profits, revenue, goodwill, anticipated savings or for claims by third parties arising out of the obligations in these Terms.

8.3      Notwithstanding clause 8.2 above, nothing in these Terms will be deemed to exclude or restrict any liability for personal injury, death or fraud.

8.4      Save as required by law, the sole aggregate liability of Employment Agency arising out of or in connection with these Terms is limited to the value of the services in the preceding 12 months.

8.5      In the event that either party is in breach of clause 12 (Data Protection), that party shall indemnify and hold harmless the other party for any losses, claims, costs or damages it may suffer as a result of the actions of the party in breach.

9.        Termination

9.1      These Terms may be terminated by either party by giving to the other immediate notice in the event that either Employment Agency or Client goes into liquidation, becomes bankrupt or enters into an arrangement with creditors or has a receiver or administrator appointed or where Employment Agency has reasonable grounds to believe Client will not pay Employment Agency’s invoice within the payment terms agreed within clause 6.2.

9.2      These Terms may be terminated by either party for convenience by serving 1 months’ notice in writing.

9.3      Without prejudice to any rights accrued prior to termination, the obligations within clauses 1, 4.6, 5, 6, 7.3, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 will remain in force beyond the cessation or other termination (howsoever arising) of these Terms.

10.      Equal Opportunities

10.1    Employment Agency is committed to equal opportunities and expects Client to comply with all anti-discrimination legislation as regards the selection and treatment of Candidates.

11.      Confidentiality

11.1    All information contained within these Terms will remain confidential and Client shall not divulge it to any Third Party save for its own employees and professional advisers and as may be required by law.

11.2    Client shall not without the prior written consent of Employment Agency provide any information in respect of a Candidate to any Third Party whether for employment purposes or otherwise.

12.      Data Protection

12.1    The parties hereto acknowledge that LHi is a data controller in respect of the personal data of Candidate and provides such personal data to Client in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (‘GDPR’) for the purposes anticipated by this Agreement. The parties hereto acknowledge that Client is a data controller but the parties hereto are not joint controllers save where a specific agreement is made to that effect between the parties hereto. Any reference to controllers, processors, personal data and data subjects are defined within the GDPR.

12.2    The parties warrant to each other that any Personal Data relating to a data subject, whether provided by Client, LHi Group or by Candidate or Representative, will be used, Processed and recorded by the receiving party in accordance with the GDPR.

13.      Notices

13.1    Any notice required to be given under these Terms (including the delivery of any information or invoice) will be delivered by hand, sent by facsimile, e-mail or prepaid first class post to the recipient at its fax number or address specified in these Terms.

14.      Variation

14.1    No variation or alteration of these Terms will be valid unless approved in writing by Client and Employment Agency.

15.      Applicable Law

15.1    These Terms will be construed in accordance with English Law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.


Standard Terms of Business

Supply of Contractor Services to Clients

1.        Definitions

1.1      In these Terms - 

         “Assignment” means the period during which Contractor renders the Services;

         “Candidate” means the person or company introduced by Employment Business to Client for an Engagement including any Representative or Contractor, and members of Employment Business’s own staff;

         “Client” means the person, firm or corporate body together with any subsidiary or associated company (as defined by s. 1159 of the Companies Act 2006) to whom Employment Business supplies or introduces Candidate, or any company with whom Client has an agreement and who is the recipient of the Services, and any end user;

         “Conduct Regulations” means the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003 (as amended);

         “Contractor” means the company which renders the Services;

         “Statement of Work” means the schedule provided by Employment Business to Client confirming the details relating to Assignment;

         “Engagement” means the engagement, employment or use of Candidate and/or Contractor on a permanent or temporary basis, whether under a contract of service or for services; under an agency, license, franchise or partnership agreement; or through any other engagement directly or through a limited company of which Candidate is an officer or employee; or indirectly through another employment business or company which holds itself out as such and “Engages” and “Engaged” will be construed accordingly;

         “Introduced” means the passing to Client of a curriculum vitæ or information about Candidate, or Client’s interview of a Candidate in person or by telephone or by any other audio or visual means, whichever first occur and “Introduces” and “Introduction” will be construed accordingly;

         “Off-Payroll” means Chapter 10 Part 2 of Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003;

         “Opted-Out” means the notice given by Contractor and Representative in accordance with regulation 32(9) of the Conduct Regulations;

         “Remuneration” means basic salary, shift or weighting allowances, guaranteed and/or anticipated bonus and commission earnings, car allowance and any other benefit or allowance;

         “Representative” means employee, officer or representative of Contractor, specified in Statement of Work who renders the Services on behalf of Contractor;

         “Services” means the services to be performed by Representative on behalf of Contractor pursuant to these Terms, as described in Statement of Work;

         “Terms” means these terms of business for the Supply of Contractor Services and will include any Statement of Work issued pursuant to these Terms; and

         “Transfer Fee” means the fee set out within clause 8.1.

2.        These Terms

2.1      These Terms are effective from the Agreement Date and supersede all previous terms of business for the Supply of Contractor Services issued by Employment Business or Client.

2.2      These Terms will be deemed accepted by Client and to apply by virtue of (a) the passing of information about a Candidate to Client by Employment Business or (b) an Introduction to Client of, or the Engagement by Client of, a Candidate or (c) Client’s interview or request to interview a Candidate (including interview by video conferencing or by telephone) or (d) the signature by Client on a timesheet relating to services provided by Contractor or (e) Client’s signature at the end of these Terms or (f) any other written, acceptance of these Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, these Terms apply whether or not Candidate is Engaged by Client for the same type of work as that for which the Introduction was originally effected.

2.3      For the purposes of these Terms, Employment Business acts as an employment business as defined within the Conduct Regulations.

2.4      Where there is a conflict of provisions between the main body of these Terms and Statement of Work, the Statement of Work will take precedence.

3.        Client Obligations

3.1      These Terms are personal to Client and will not be assigned by it without the prior written consent of Employment Business.

3.2      Client shall ensure that Representative works in a safe environment in accordance with a safe system of work.  Client agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified Employment Business from and against all loss or liability suffered or incurred by Employment Business as a result of any claim by Contractor and/or Representative arising out of any injury or damage to his person or property suffered in the course of performing the Services.

3.3      Client undertakes to confirm in writing to Employment Business the details of the Assignment and undertakes to notify Employment Business immediately of its intention to:

a)        Engage a Candidate Introduced by Employment Business; or

b)        extend an Assignment or otherwise Engage directly or indirectly a Candidate Introduced and/or supplied via Employment Business; or

c)         Engage a Candidate otherwise (including through another recruitment agency, employment business or limited company).

3.4      Where the Agency Worker Regulations 2010 (“AWR”) applies to Assignment, Client warrants that it will not, and where applicable will procure that end user will not, seek to deny agency worker’s entitlement to rights under the AWR by virtue of the structure of assignments and shall at all times comply with all regulations of the AWR.

3.7     Where Off-Payroll applies to Client or end user, Client undertakes and agrees to:

a)        assess the working practices of Services to be provided during Assignment and to notify Employment Business of the results of such assessment prior to the commencement of Assignment and of any changes that occur during the term of Assignment.

b)        provide any information reasonably requested at any time by Employment Business promptly in order to assist Employment Business to comply with Off-Payroll.

c)         provide information to Employment Business under these Terms that is true and accurate.

4.        Employment Business’s Obligations

4.1      Employment Business shall use reasonable endeavours to introduce Candidates to Client who meet Client’s stated requirements.

4.2      Employment Business will give Client a Statement of Work confirming the name of Contractor and Representative, the agreed pay rates/fees, duration of Assignment, description of the Services, notice periods and any other relevant details communicated and agreed between the parties.

5.        Charges/Fees

5.1      Client agrees to pay Employment Business’ charges for the Introduction and the services of Contractors as set out in the relevant Statement of Work.

5.2      Signature by Client or by end user of timesheets or other verification of hours or days worked is confirmation of the amount of time worked by Representative and of satisfaction with the Services provided.  Client shall not be entitled to decline to sign or approve a timesheet on the basis that they are dissatisfied with the work performed by the Contractor, in such cases the Client should rely on its power to terminate the Statement of Work.

5.3      If Client is unable to sign a timesheet because it disputes the amount of time claimed, then Client will notify Employment Business within two working days from the submission of the timesheet and will co-operate fully with Employment Business, including providing documentary evidence of the hours/days worked by Representative, to enable Employment Business to establish what periods of time, if any, Representative worked.

5.4      There are no refunds or rebates payable by Employment Business to Client in respect of Employment Business’s charges.

5.5      Client agrees to pay Employment Business all reasonable business expenses incurred by Contractor/Representative in the provision of the Services as agreed within Statement of Work.

5.6      VAT will be payable in addition to charges/fees.

5.7      Client acknowledges and agrees that Employment Business may, upon notice, increase the charge rate set out in clause 5.1 (or as set out in the relevant Statement of Work if applicable) in order to comply with the AWR or with Off-Payroll.

6.        Invoices

6.1      Employment Business will raise invoices monthly (unless otherwise specified in Statement of Work) in respect of the charges payable and Client agrees to pay such invoices within thirty days (30) of the date of the invoice, unless otherwise specified in Statement of Work.

6.2      All invoices will be deemed accepted in full by Client unless Client notifies Employment Business in writing within five days of the amount Client disputes and the reason Client disputes that amount. In the event Client does so notify Employment Business that it wishes to dispute part of an invoice, Client agrees to pay the undisputed part of the invoice within the agreed payment terms and will co-operate fully with Employment Business in order to resolve the dispute as quickly as possible.

6.3      Employment Business reserves the right to charge interest and compensation on invoiced amounts overdue at the statutory rate as prescribed pursuant to Section 6 of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998. from the due date until the date payment is received in cleared funds.

7.        Termination of Assignments

7.1      Client may instruct Employment Business, in writing, to end the Services of Contractor immediately in the event of substantial non-performance by Contractor, provided that Client provides detailed, written confirmation of the non-performance.

7.2      Employment Business may end any Assignment immediately by giving Client notice in writing if Client is in material breach of these Terms.

7.3      Either party may terminate Assignment prior to the end of Assignment by giving not less than 4 weeks’ notice in writing, or such other period of notice as agreed and set out in the relevant Statement of Work. 

7.4      When notice of termination of Assignment is served by Client, payment for each week of notice will be based on the specified hours/days agreed in Statement of Work or actual hours worked by Representative, whichever the greater. 

7.5      These Terms may be terminated by either party by giving to the other immediate notice in the event that either Employment Business or Client goes into liquidation enters into an arrangement with creditors, has a receiver or administrator appointed, or where Employment Business has reasonable grounds to believe Client will not pay Employment Business’s invoice within the payment terms agreed within clause 6.1.

7.6      Employment Business may substitute Contractor and/or any Representative with another suitably qualified and similarly skilled Contractor and/or Representative with reasonable notice at its absolute discretion.

7.7      Employment Business may, at its absolute discretion and at any time, terminate Assignment upon immediate notice where in the opinion of Employment Business Contractor and/or Representative is no longer suitable to provide the Services.

7.8      Following termination (howsoever arising) of these Terms, the provisions contained within clauses 1, 2, 3.4, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13 will continue in full force and effect.

8.        Transfer and Introduction Fees

8.1      Client agrees that when Client Engages a Candidate, other than through Employment Business, either during Assignment or within 6 months from the end of the Assignment, Client agrees to notify Employment Business of that Engagement and agrees to pay Employment Business a Transfer Fee of 25% of the Candidates annual remuneration irrespective of the planned duration of the Engagement, or as otherwise agreed in Statement of Work.

8.2      Where there has been an Introduction of a Candidate to Client which does not immediately result in the supply of the services by Employment Business to Client, but which later leads to an Engagement by Client, within 6 months from the date of Introduction, Client agrees to notify Employment Business of that Engagement and agrees to pay the Transfer Fee in accordance with clause 8.1 above.

8.3      All Introductions are confidential.  If Client passes details of a Candidate, to any third party resulting in an Engagement, then Client agrees to pay the Transfer Fee.

8.4      For the avoidance of doubt, no refund of the Transfer Fee will be paid in the event that the Engagement subsequently terminates.

9.        Data Protection

9.1      The parties hereto acknowledge that LHi is a data controller in respect of the personal data of Candidate and provides such personal data to Client in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (‘GDPR’) for the purposes anticipated by this Agreement. The parties hereto acknowledge that Client is a data controller but the parties hereto are not joint controllers save where a specific agreement is made to that effect between the parties hereto. Any reference to controllers, processors, personal data and data subjects are defined within the GDPR.

9.2      The parties warrant to each other that any Personal Data relating to a data subject, whether provided by Client, LHi Group or by Candidate or Representative, will be used, Processed and recorded by the receiving party in accordance with the GDPR.

10.      Liability

10.1    Employment Business shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure Candidate has the required standard of skill, integrity and reliability; nevertheless, Employment Business is not liable for any indirect, special, consequential or additional loss, expense, damage or delay arising from and in connection with any failure on the part of Contractor or Representative to perform the Services nor for any negligence whether wilful or otherwise, dishonesty, fraud, acts or omissions, misconduct or lack of skill of Contractor or Representative howsoever arising save for death or personal injury caused by Employment Business’s direct negligence.

10.2    Contractors are engaged under contracts for services. They are not the employees of Employment Business.

10.3    Client will comply, and will procure that end user will comply, in all respects with all relevant statutes, by-laws and legal requirements including provision of adequate public liability insurance in respect of Representative where appropriate. Client agrees to allow and reasonably assist Employment Business in complying with its legal obligations regarding the introduction of Candidate/s and supply of Services by Contractor/s. 

10.4    Save where required by law, the parties hereto are not liable for-

a)        any loss of profits, loss of business, loss of revenue, depletion of goodwill, pure economic loss, loss of anticipated savings, damages, charges, expenses and/or similar losses; or

b)        any special, indirect or consequential losses;

10.5    Save as required by law, the sole aggregate liability of Employment Business arising out of or in connection with these Terms is limited to the value of the services in the preceding 12 months.

11.      Indemnity

11.1    Client agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified Employment Business against any costs, claims or liabilities incurred directly or indirectly by Employment Business arising out of or in connection with these Terms including (without limitation) as a result of:

a)        any breach of these Terms by Client (including its employees, subcontractors and agents); and

b)        any breach by Client, or any of its employees or agents, of any applicable statutory provisions (including, without limitation, any statutory provisions prohibiting or restricting discrimination or other inequality of opportunity).

12.      Notices

12.1    Any notice required to be given under these Terms will be delivered by hand, sent by facsimile, e-mail or prepaid first class post to the recipient at its fax number or address specified in these Terms.

13.      Governing Law

         These Terms shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and all disputes, claims or proceedings between the parties relating to the validity, construction or performance of these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.




WHERAS, LHI is in the business of providing professional staffing solutions (“Services”); and

WHERAS, the Client desires to engage LHI to provide the Services at the location(s) and within the scope of work determined between LHI and Client; and

WHEREAS, the Parties agree that any of its affiliates (defined as any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with the Party) or subsidiaries may utilize this Agreement as necessary; and

WHEREAS, the Parties agree this is not an exclusive Agreement, and it does not obligate the Client to engage LHI to provide Services nor prevent LHI from providing similar Services to other clients.

NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree to the terms as follows:

  1. Contingent Labor

1.1 LHI shall provide the Services, including but not limited to:

  1. Identify, screen, evaluate and assign contingent labor (“Personnel”) as required by the Client
  2. Complete legally required background/drug and alcohol screening, if applicable, plus any Client specific required screenings
  3. Ensure Personnel are legally authorized to work in the United States
  4. Classify and pay Personnel for all hours worked in line with state and federal (“FLSA”) law
  5. Maintain employment records, including time records
  6. Collect, report, and remit applicable federal, state and local payroll taxes
  7. Provide benefit programs and leave in line with legal requirements
  8. Remove/terminate any Personnel at the request of Client for any lawful reason
  9. Handle unemployment and workers’ compensation claims
  10. Maintain insurance as required by law and/or the Client

1.2 The Client shall provide the following, including but not limited to:

  1. Provide the detailed requirements of a specific position needed by Client to LHI
  2. Provide LHI with any polices required to be completed and complied with by Personnel
  3. Notify LHI immediately in the event the job requirements of any LHI Personnel changes
  4. Supervise, direct and control Personnel when performing work on the Client’s site or at its direction
  5. Promptly and accurately review and approve time records
  6. Maintain a worksite at all times in compliance with all health and safety requirements and free of illegal discrimination or harassment
  7. Provide Personnel with all required equipment needed for the work
  8. Notify LHI immediately in the event of any accident and/or injuries regarding Personnel
  9. Notify LHI immediately in the event of any disputes/issues regarding Personnel
  10. Cooperate with LHI regarding any FMLA or protected leave applicable for Personnel

The Parties agree that in the event the obligations of either party shall be modified during the term of the Agreement, the Parties will work together to amend the roles as necessary.


  1. Permanent Hire.
  2. If the Client desires to directly hire candidates that have been identified and recruited by LHI, Client agrees it will pay LHI a placement fee of 30% of the Candidate’s estimated total first year’s compensation, including estimated commissions and bonuses, and any signing bonus. 
  3. If the candidate is terminated prior to the completion of thirty (30) days, and provided the Client notifies LHI in writing within five (5) days of the termination, and that all fees relating to the placement have been paid, LHI shall provide a replacement candidate.
  4. If no replacement candidate can be found within sixty (60) days from the termination, LHI will provide a pro-rata refund as set out below:

Days Employed

0 - 10



% of Fee Refunded




  1. The refund is not applicable if the candidate is terminated due to redundancies, termination for convenience or any reason prohibited by law or if the candidate terminates employment because the Client significantly modifies the expected job duties.
  2. Term and Termination.
  3. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing thirty (30) days written notice.
  4. If a Party materially breaches this Agreement and fails to cure the breach within seven (7) business days after receiving written notice of the breach from the non-breaching party, the non-breaching party may terminate this Agreement.
  5. Either Party may immediately terminate this Agreement if the other Party enters liquidation, bankruptcy, receivership, administration, or a voluntary arrangement with creditors; becomes insolvent; or otherwise ceases to carry on business in the ordinary course.
  6. The Client may notify LHI to terminate a Personnel’s assignment with no written notice. However, the Client shall provide details of the reason for the termination as reasonably requested by LHI.
  7. Notice of termination does not relieve either Party of its existing obligations under the Agreement.
  8. Compensation, Invoicing and Payment.
  9. The compensation agreed for each Personnel will be set out in the letter of assignment attached as Exhibit A.
  10. The Client agrees that for all Personnel classified as exempt, the Personnel will be entitled to a guaranteed salary as set out in the letter of assignment. For all non-exempt Personnel, the Client agrees that all payment shall be in line with federal and state requirements. The Client agrees all applicable Personnel shall be provided a minimum of three (3) days of paid time off per assignment year.
  11. If Personnel are entitled to any additional compensation (including sick leave, paid time for training, etc.) as required by state or federal law, the Client agrees to pay this additional compensation at the applicable rate.
  12. LHI reserves the right to adjust the bill rates for each LHI Personnel to compensate for mandatory adjustments to FICA, FUTA, SUI, Workers' Compensation and any Federal or State mandated programs or benefits, provided Client is given reasonable advance notice of such adjustments.
  13. The Client will reimburse LHI for its reasonable, actual expenses including costs associated with travel, subsistence, report preparation, mobilization, demobilization, business meals, hotel or other lodging, local transportation, background checks, drug screens, and other business expenses (a) LHI incurs in providing the Services or (b) LHI Personnel incur working for the Client (subject to pre-approval from the Client).
  14. LHI will invoice the Client for candidates who are directly hired by the Client on the commencement of their engagement, or, on a semi-monthly basis for placed Personnel. Invoices will include any applicable sales tax mandated by the state. Where applicable, invoices will be supported by each Personnel’s Client approved time card. All undisputed invoices shall be paid within net thirty (30) days. Interest of 1% per month will be charged on unpaid invoices more than thirty (30) days past due.
  15. Independent Contractor.
  16. LHI and Client acknowledge that nothing in this Agreement shall in any way be construed to constitute LHI or Client as the agent, employee or representative of the other, and neither Client nor LHI shall have the power to bind the other party in any capacity. It is expressly agreed that no Personnel supplied by LHI shall be eligible to participate in any employee benefit plan or program or employee welfare plan provided by Client to its employees or made available by Client to its employees. Client acknowledges and agrees that its benefit plans and welfare plans expressly exclude from coverage thereunder any Personnel furnished by LHI.
  17. Use of Subcontractors.
  18. LHI shall be permitted to utilize subcontractors so long as the subcontractor is required for the Services. LHI will ensure that any agreements between LHI and its subcontractors shall contain all material terms and conditions of this Agreement.
  19. LHI shall ensure that all subcontractors shall perform any and all services in accordance with the obligations set forth in this Agreement. LHI agrees that the Client shall have the right to audit all subcontractors and agreements as required. LHI understands that the subcontracting of any Services by LHI shall not relieve LHI of the responsibility and liabilities under this Agreement.

7.Compliance with Laws.

7.1.Each Party shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws, including those relating to or addressing discrimination, harassment and retaliation on the basis of a protected class. The Parties agree to comply with all state, federal and local ordinance laws relating to correct classification and payment of employees and mandatory leave and break provisions. Furthermore, the Parties will comply the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

  1. Warranty.
  2. If Client is not satisfied with the performance of any Personnel, LHI will remove the Personnel and will seek to provide a replacement Personnel as soon as possible. The limited warranty described herein shall be LHI’s sole obligation to Client and Client’s exclusive remedy with respect to any nonconformity or deficiency in services, work product or deliverables furnished to Client by the Personnel.
  3. Indemnification.
  4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the other provisions of this Agreement, LHI agrees to be responsible for and assume all liability for and hereby agrees to defend, release, indemnify, and hold harmless Client from and against claims arising in connection with: (i) illness, bodily injury and/or death of LHI’s Personnel; and/or (ii) damage to or loss of property of LHI, unless the claim is connected to Client’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.
  5. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the other provisions of this Agreement, Client agrees to be responsible for and assume all liability for and hereby agrees to defend, release, indemnify, and hold harmless LHI from and against claims arising in connection with: (i) illness, bodily injury and/or death of Client’s personnel; and/or (ii) damage to or loss of property of Client, unless the claim is connected to LHI’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.
  6. Client agrees to be responsible for and assume all liability for and hereby agrees to defend, release, indemnify, and hold harmless LHI from and against claims arising from or related to the performance of any Personnel while acting at the direction of the Client.
  7. Neither Party shall be liable for or responsible to the other Party for any lost profits, lost use, special, indirect, incidental, exemplary, punitive or consequential damage or loss arising under or in connection with the performance, breach or alleged breach of this Agreement, whether or not such loss or damage was foreseeable at the time of entering into this Agreement, even if such other Party has been advised of the possibility of such damage or loss, regardless of any liability, whether strict or by negligence, in whatever form, on the part of any member of either Party and regardless of any other provisions of this Agreement. 
  8. Confidentiality.
  9. Confidential information (the "Confidential Information") refers to any data or information relating to the business of either Party which would reasonably be considered to be proprietary to the Party including, but not limited to, accounting records, business processes, records and information that is not generally known in the industry of the Party and where the release of that Confidential Information could reasonably be expected to cause harm to the Party.
  10. The Parties agree that they will not disclose, divulge, reveal, report or use, for any purpose, any Confidential Information which either Party has obtained, except as authorized by the disclosing Party or as required by law. The obligations of confidentiality will apply during the term of this Agreement and will survive indefinitely upon termination of this Agreement.
  11. In the event the Client requires that each Personnel sign additioanl confidentiality agreements, Client shall provide the form to LHI to provide to each Personnel.
  12. Ownership and Conversion.
  13. The Parties agree that in the event any candidate introduced to the Client by LHI, but not employed or engaged by LHI on behalf of the Client, is hired in any capacity by the Client (permanent or temporary hire), an affiliate of the Client, or any entity who Client has provided details of the candidate to within twelve (12) months from the introduction of the candidate by LHI, LHI is entitled to an introduction fee of 30% of the Personnel’s annualized salary. The Client must provide LHI details of the offer of employment within five (5) business days.
  14. If the Client directly hires, or transfers to a third-party agency, any Personnel actively employed by LHI on behalf of the Client at any time during an assignment, or within twelve (12) months from completion of an assignment, the Client agrees it will pay LHI a conversion fee of 30% of the Personnel’s annualized salary.
  15. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution.
  16. This Agreement shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York, without regard to the conflict of law principles thereof. All actions and proceedings arising out of or relating to this Agreement must be heard and determined through arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under the applicable rules and mediation procedures and any judgment rendered in arbitration may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, a claim or a series of related claims with respect to which injunctive relief is sought may be heard in the jurisdiction where it is alleged that the primary activity that is the subject of such claim(s) occurred.
  17.   Assignment.
  18. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, neither Party will voluntarily, or by operation of law, assign or otherwise transfer its obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party.
  19. Entire Agreement.
  20. It is agreed that there is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition affecting this Agreement except as expressly provided in this Agreement.
  21. Amendments.
  22. No amendment to or modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless it shall be in writing and signed by each of the parties to this Agreement.
  23. Severability.
  24. If any of the provisions of this Agreement are held to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, all other provisions will nevertheless continue to be valid and enforceable with the invalid or unenforceable parts severed from the remainder of this Agreement.
  25. Waiver of Breach.
  26. The waiver by either Party of a breach, default, delay or omission of any of the provisions of this Agreement by the other Party will not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or other provisions.
  27. Counterparts.
  28. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
  29. Survival.
  30. Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement for any reason, Sections 5 through 15 hereof shall survive any such termination.
  31. Headings.
  32. The headings preceding the text of the sections and subsections hereof are inserted solely for convenience of reference, and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement, nor shall they affect its meaning, construction or effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above.






Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Personalvermittlungsdienste („AGB“) sind ab dem 30. Juli 2019 anwendbar und, sofern nichts anderes in diesen AGB ausgeführt ist, stellen sie die gesamte und einzige Vereinbarung zwischen den Parteien dar und ersetzen alle vorherigen und bereits bestehenden Abmachungen und Vereinbarungen zwischen dem Kunden und LHi Group GmbH, einem beim Amtsgericht München eingetragenen Unternehmen (Handelsregisternummer: HRB 213358) mit Sitz in der Seidlstraße 28, 80335 München, Deutschland („LHi“).

  1. PRÄAMBEL: LHi ist ein Personalvermittlungsunternehmen, das unabhängige Kandidaten zur Beschäftigung an Kunden vermittelt.
  2. VEREINBARUNG: Die Anforderung oder die Annahme von LHi´s Empfehlungen, die Durchführung von Vorstellungsgesprächen oder die Beschäftigung von durch LHi empfohlenen Kandidaten stellt die Annahme dieser AGB durch den Kunden dar. Diese AGB werden zudem durch die Unterzeichnung oder durch die Unterzeichnung einer Spezifikation für die Erbringung von Beratungsleistungen durch Dritte, sowie durch jegliche entsprechende Handlung seitens des Kunden angenommen.
  3. ENTGELTE UND AUFWENDUNGEN: Wenn ein Kandidat vom Kunden beschäftigt wird, berechnet sich LHi´s Vermittlungsgebühr nach der unten stehenden Tabelle. Die Vermittlungsgebühr ist ein prozentualer Anteil der voraussichtlichen Bruttovergütung des Kandidaten für dessen erstes Beschäftigungsjahr. Diese beinhaltet die garantierte Jahresbruttovergütung zuzüglich erfolgsabhängiger und erfolgsunabhängiger Zusatzleistungen wie Boni, Vertragsabschluss- und sonstige Prämien, Schichtzuschläge, KfZ-Nutzungsentschädigung, Leistungen bei Versetzung an einen anderen Arbeitsort, Provisionen, Aktienpakete und alle anderen Leistungen die dem Kandidaten gewährt werden. Die Höhe des prozentualen Anteils hängt von der Höhe der zu erwartenden Jahresbruttovergütung ab:

Euro 0-55.000                          25%

Euro 55.000,01 – 85.000          30%

Euro 85.000,01 & darüber         35%

LHi‘s Vermittlungsgebühr für befristete Anstellungen berechnet sich anteilig der oben stehenden Tabelle.

Wenn ein Kandidat vom Kunden auf Vertragsbasis (freiberuflich) beschäftigt wird, hat der Kunde die in der Leistungsbeschreibung angegebenen Entgelte zu zahlen.

Dies gilt nicht, wenn die Beschäftigung im Rahmen einer Spezifikation für die Erbringung von Beratungsleistungen durch Dritte erfolgt. In diesem Fall hat der Kunde die in der Spezifikation festgelegten Entgelte zu zahlen.

Soweit nichts anderes vereinbart ist, besteht LHi´s Anspruch auf die Zahlung des Entgelts sowie die Verpflichtung des Kunden zur Zahlung des selben, wenn die Empfehlung eines Kandidaten kausal für die direkte oder indirekte Beschäftigung des Kandidaten durch den Kunden ist. Der Kunde hat LHi unverzüglich Kopien der Verträge oder anderer Dokumente und Informationen, die notwendig sind, um das entsprechende Entgelt zu berechnen, zur Verfügung zu stellen.

LHi´s Entgelt beträgt mindestens 12.500 €, gegebenenfalls zuzüglich MwSt. Sollte ein bereits akzeptiertes Beschäftigungsangebot vor dem Beginn der Beschäftigung des Kandidaten beim Kunden zurückgezogen werden, hat der Kunde an LHi eine Verwaltungsgebühr von 2.500 € zu zahlen. Der Kunde hat zudem sämtliche genehmigte Aufwendungen zu erstatten, die LHi bei der Erbringung ihrer Leistungen im Rahmen dieser AGB entstanden sind.

  1. Kausalität: Eine Empfehlung von LHi gilt als kausal für jedwede Beschäftigung, die innerhalb eines Zeitraumes von 12 Monaten ab: (i) der letzten Empfehlung oder Vermittlung des Kandidaten durch LHi an den Kunden oder (ii) der bzw. des letzten aus einer solchen Empfehlung entstandenen Kommunikation, Meetings oder Vorstellungsgesprächs, Angebotes oder ähnlichen Tätigkeit mit dem Kandidaten oder (iii) der letzten Kommunikation des Kunden mit einem Mitarbeiter von LHi bezüglich der Empfehlung und / oder des Kandidaten verhandelt bzw. arrangiert wird oder beginnt.

Sollte LHi einen Kandidaten empfehlen, der bereits aktiv vom Kunden in Betracht gezogen wird und sollte der Kunde LHi innerhalb von 3 Werktagen nach der Empfehlung hiervon in Kenntnis setzen, so schuldet der Kunde LHi kein Entgelt, wenn er diesen Kandidaten beschäftigt. Auf Anfrage muss der Kunde diejenigen von LHi billigerweise geforderten Unterlagen zur Verfügung stellen, welche notwendig sind, um dies darzulegen.

  1. ERSATZ & ERMÄSSIGUNG: Sollte die Beschäftigung eines Kandidaten, der im Rahmen dieser AGB für ein dauerhaftes Arbeitsverhältnis empfohlen wurde, aus im Verhalten oder in der Person des Kandidaten liegenden Gründen innerhalb von 8 Wochen nach Beginn eines solchen dauerhaften Arbeitsverhältnisses enden, so wird LHi versuchen, innerhalb von 8 Wochen einen Ersatz zu empfehlen. Diese 8 Wochen beginnen mit dem Datum, an dem der Kunde LHi von der Beendigung in Kenntnis setzt. Für die Ersatzsuche wird LHi kein zusätzliches Entgelt berechnen. Dies gilt nur, wenn der Kunde sich nach besten Kräften bemüht, LHi beim Finden eines Ersatzes zu unterstützen.

Andernfalls soll LHi das entsprechende Entgelt unter Abzug von 12.5% in Bezug auf jeden Zeitraum von einer Woche (oder einen Teil davon) bis zu maximal 8 Wochen, in dem der Kandidat in einem dauerhaften Arbeitsverhältnis beim Kunden beschäftigt ist, zurückerstatten.

Die Regelungen zum Ersatz und der Ermäßigung gelten nicht, wenn der Kandidat rechtswidrig entlassen wurde, sein Arbeitsplatz abgeschafft wurde oder er kündigt, weil der Kunde die Arbeitstätigkeit des Kandidaten erheblich geändert hat oder ihm eine andere Position zugewiesen hat. Die Regelungen gelten zudem nicht, wenn der Kunde LHi nicht innerhalb von 7 Tagen nach Ausspruch der Kündigung durch den Kunden oder den Kandidaten schriftlich hiervon benachrichtigt, oder wenn der Kunde es versäumt, sämtliche aus dieser Empfehlung fälligen Entgelte und Aufwendungen rechtzeitig zu zahlen.

  1. ZAHLUNGSBEDINGUNGEN: Der Kunde verpflichtet sich, alle Entgelte und Aufwendungen innerhalb von 14 Tagen ab dem Rechnungsdatum oder dem Beginn der Beschäftigung eines Kandidaten oder der Annahme eines Beschäftigungsangebots zu zahlen (je nachdem, welches Ereignis früher eintritt). Für unbezahlte fällige Entgelte werden Zinsen in Höhe von 5% über dem Basiszinssatz berechnet.

Der Kunde muss LHi innerhalb von 7 Tagen nach Annahme eines Beschäftigungsangebots durch den Kandidaten oder Beginn der Beschäftigung eines Kandidaten (je nachdem, welcher Zeitpunkt früher eintritt) alle Bestellungen oder andere Dokumente zur Verfügung stellen, die für LHi notwendig sind, um die entsprechende Rechnung auszustellen. Sollte der Kunde dies nicht tun, ist LHi berechtigt, die Rechnung an den Kunden ohne eine entsprechende Bestellung, die Einhaltung eines Rechnungslegungsprozesses oder Ähnlichem zu stellen.

Macht der Kunde geltend, dass kein oder ein geringeres Entgelt in Bezug auf einen von LHi empfohlenen oder vermittelten Kandidaten fällig ist, muss der Kunde jegliches unbestrittenes Entgelt bzw. den unbestrittenen Teil des Entgeltes pünktlich zahlen und auf LHi´s Anfrage hin diejenige Korrespondenz oder diejenigen Unterlagen zur Verfügung stellen, die notwendig für LHi sind, um die korrekte Höhe des zahlbaren Entgeltes zu ermitteln.

  1. VERTRAULICHKEIT: Keine Partei darf während der Laufzeit dieser AGB oder der jeweiligen Spezifikation derselben für die Erbringung von Beratungsleistungen durch Dritte, sowie nach deren Ablauf oder Beendigung ohne die vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung der anderen Partei Informationen, welche als vertraulich kenntlich gemacht sind oder welche ihrer Natur nach vertraulich sind, verwenden oder gegenüber Dritten offenlegen.

Insbesondere sind Empfehlungen von LHi vertraulich. Sollte der Kunde Einzelheiten bezüglich eines von LHi empfohlenen Kandidaten gegenüber einem Dritten offenlegen und sollte diese Offenlegung eine direkte oder indirekte Beschäftigung des Kandidaten beim oder durch den Dritten zur Folge haben, muss der Kunde an LHi das in Klausel 3 dieser AGB festgelegte Entgelt zahlen, als ob der Kunde den Kandidaten beschäftigt hat, ohne jedoch einen Anspruch auf Ersatz oder anteilige Ermäßigung zu erhalten.

LHi hat das Recht und die Erlaubnis, den Namen und das Logo des Kunden sowie Referenzen und sonstige schriftliche Äußerungen des Kunden in jeglichen Marketing-Materialien zu verwenden.

  1. AUSSCHLUSSKLAUSEL: LHi unternimmt angemessene Anstrengungen bezüglich der Empfehlung und Vermittlung von Kandidaten und der Richtigkeit der bezüglich eines Kandidaten zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen. LHi gewährleistet jedoch nicht den Erfolg von Empfehlungen, die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen oder die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen durch einen Kandidaten. LHi haftet nicht für die Richtigkeit der von einem Kandidaten erhaltenen Informationen oder für Handlungen und Unterlassungen eines Kandidaten. Der Kunde muss diejenigen Nachforschungen anstellen, die er für die Überprüfung der Informationen eines Kandidaten als notwendig erachtet. Außerdem muss er sich diejenigen weiteren Informationen beschaffen, die er als relevant erachtet, einschließlich der Vergewisserung, dass der Kandidat die eventuell jeweils erforderliche Fähigkeit, Erfahrung oder Arbeitserlaubnis tatsächlich besitzt. Diese Aufzählung ist nicht abschließend.
  2. ABTRETUNG: Diese AGB und all ihre Bestimmungen sind für LHi und den Kunden sowie deren jeweiligen Rechtsnachfolger und berechtigte Zessionare bindend. Jedoch dürfen weder diese AGB noch ein/eine daraus erwachsende/s Recht, Anspruch oder Pflicht von einer Partei ohne die vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung der anderen Partei abgetreten werden.
  3. KENNTNISNAHME: Jegliche nach diesen AGB oder einer Spezifikation derselben für die Erbringung von Beratungsleistungen durch Dritte erforderliche Mitteilung hat per E-Mail oder per Einschreiben an den eingetragenen Sitz der jeweiligen Partei bzw. an eine jeweils gesondert vereinbarte Adresse zu erfolgen. Im Falle der Mitteilung per E-Mail ist für den Kunden die E-Mail-Adresse des Vertreters des Kunden zu verwenden; für LHi ist die folgende E-Mail-Adresse zu verwenden:
  4. ANWENDBARES RECHT UND GERICHTSBARKEIT: Auf diese AGB ist das Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland anwendbar. Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, ist der ausschließliche Gerichtsstand München.
  5. SCHRIFTFORMKLAUSEL: Jegliche Variation oder Änderung dieser AGB bedarf zu ihrer Gültigkeit der Schriftform sowie der Genehmigung eines Direktors von LHi. Dies gilt auch für die Änderung dieser Schriftformklausel.
  6. ARBEITNEHMERÜBERLASSUNG: LHi ist kein Verleiher im Sinne des Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetzes (AÜG). Jegliche dem Kunden zur Beschäftigung empfohlenen Kandidaten sind entweder unabhängige Subunternehmer im Sinne einer Spezifikation derselben für die Erbringung von Beratungsleistungen durch Dritte oder natürliche Personen, die ein Arbeitsverhältnis mit dem Kunden anstreben.

Kandidat“ ist jede natürliche oder juristische Person, die dem Kunden von LHi zur Beschäftigung empfohlen wird, einschließlich jeglichen Unternehmens und jeglicher anderer juristischer Person, durch welche diese Person agiert sowie jeder Partner, Direktor, Gesellschafter oder Mitarbeiter eines Unternehmens oder einer anderen juristischen Person und Mitglieder des Personals von LHi. Diese Aufzählung ist nicht abschließend.

Kunde“ ist diejenige natürliche oder juristische Person, welcher LHi Kandidaten empfiehlt oder sich bereit erklärt zu empfehlen.

Beschäftigung“ bzw. „beschäftigen“ ist der Abschluss einer schriftlichen oder mündlichen Vereinbarung über die Erbringung der Leistungen eines Kandidaten, sei es als Arbeitnehmer oder als Subunternehmer, direkt, indirekt oder anderweitig. Dies schließt die tatsächliche Erbringung von Leistungen durch den Kandidaten an den Kunden als direkte oder indirekte Folge einer Empfehlung von LHi an den Kunden mit ein.

Empfehlung“ bzw. „empfehlen“ ist jede Art und Weise und jedes Mittel der Mitteilung der Identität eines Kandidaten, einschließlich der Bereitstellung eines Lebenslaufes oder anderer Informationen, welche die Identifizierung eines Kandidaten ermöglichen, sowie das persönliche oder telefonische Vorstellungsgespräch mit einem Kandidaten. Diese Aufzählung ist nicht abschließend.





Les présentes Conditions Commerciales applicables aux Services de Recrutement (les « Conditions ») prennent effet à compter du 1er Juin 2018. Sauf mentions contraires elles constituent l’intégralité de l’accord remplaçant l’ensemble des déclarations et accords préexistants entre le Client et LHi Group Ltd, une société enregistrée en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles (sous le numéro 04444015) dont le siège social est situé au 2nd Floor 33 Queen Street, London, England, EC4R 1AP (« LHi »).

  1. ACCORD : Constituent l’acceptation des présentes conditions par le Client la demande ou l’acceptation d’introductions de la part de LHi, l’entrevue ou l’engagement de Candidats introduits par LHi, la signature des présentes Conditions ou d’une annexe aux présentes Conditions ou tout acte semblable de la part du Client.
  2. COMMISSIONS ET DÉPENSES: Lorsqu’un Candidat est engagé directement par le Client en qualité de salarie en CDI, la commission d’introduction de LHi correspondra à 25% du montant total de la rémunération, comprenant le salaire fixe ou équivalant ainsi que les commissions et primes déterminées ou déterminables de 12 premiers mois de l’engagement du Candidat au moment de son embauche. Concernant les contrats de travails à durée déterminée, la commission que percevra Lhi sera calculée au prorata.

Lorsqu’un Candidat est un entrepreneur et est engagé par le Client sur la base d’un contrat de mission, le Client devra payer les frais énoncés dans le cahier des charges.

Sauf accord contraire, la commission de LHi est acquise et le Client sera tenu de la payer à compter de l’acceptation par le candidat auprès du client d’une offre d’embauche. LHi sera en droit d’établir sa facture à compter de cette date.

La commission de LHi fera l’objet d’un montant minimum de €6,000, hors taxes. Le Client remboursera les dépenses qu’il aura approuvées et qui auront été engagées par LHi en ce qui concerne la prestation de ses services au titre des présentes Conditions.

  1. CAUSE D’ENGAGEMENT : Une introduction par LHi sera réputée être la cause effective de tout engagement négocié, préparé ou qui commencera dans les 12 mois suivant : (i) soit l’introduction la plus récente du Candidat au Client par LHi (ii) soit la communication, l’entrevue, l’offre ou toute autre activité semblable la plus récente découlant de cette introduction (iii) soit, dans le cas d’un employé de LHi, la communication la plus récente du Client avec cette personne.

Si LHi introduit un Candidat qui est déjà en processus de recrutement ou qui est suivi activement par le Client pour le recruter et si ce dernier en informe LHi dans les 3 jours ouvrés qui suivent son introduction, le Client ne sera alors pas redevable de la commission à LHi au cas où le Client engagerait ce Candidat. Le Client devra fournir, sur demande, les documents prouvant cette relation active et son objectif de recrutement.

  1. REMPLACEMENTS & REMISES : Si l’engagement à un emploi permanent d’un Candidat introduit aux termes du présent accord est résilié par l’une des deux parties dans les 8 semaines qui suivent le début de son contrat, en ce cas LHi s’efforcera d’introduire un remplacement dans les 12 semaines, sans aucun frais supplémentaires. Ceci sous réserve que le Client fasse tous ses efforts pour faciliter le remplacement.

Si le remplacement n’a pas été réalisé à l’issue de ce délai, LHi remboursera la commission perçue au Client moins 25 % en ce qui concerne chaque période de 2 semaines (ou partie de celle-ci) de l’engagement du Candidat. Et ceci à concurrence de 8 semaines maximum.

Les remplacements et remises de commissions ne sont strictement pas applicables dans les cas suivants : (i) si le candidat est lui-même un remplacement,(ii) si il a été mis au chômage, licencié sans raison valable ou s’il démissionne du fait que le Client a considérablement modifié les fonctions de son poste ou l’a affecté à un autre poste que celui pour lequel il a été embauché, (iii) si le Client n’avise pas LHi par écrit dans les 5 jours qui suivent la résiliation du contrat de travail ou si le Client ne paie pas, en temps utile, toutes les commissions et dépenses se rapportant à cette introduction.

  1. MODALITÉS DE PAIEMENT : Le Client s’engage à payer toutes les commissions et les dépenses connexes dans les 30 jours qui suivent la date d’acceptation par le candidat. Des intérêts au taux de 5 % par an peuvent être appliqués sur les commissions impayées à leur échéance.

Le Client doit transmettre à LHi un bon de commande ou tout document semblable requis pour le traitement des comptes fournisseurs dans les 30 jours qui suivent la date d’acceptation par le candidat. Si le Client ne le fait pas, LHi est autorisé à facturer le Client sans que le bon de commande, le document requis ou document semblable ne soit joint.

Si le Client soutient qu’aucune ou une moindre commission est due concernant un Candidat introduit par LHi, en ce cas le Client doit payer toute commission non contestée en temps utile et transmettre à LHi les correspondances ou documents permettant d’établir la commission exacte à payer.

  1. CONFIDENTIALITÉ : Aucune partie ne peut utiliser ou divulguer à une tierce personne toute information de l’autre partie qu’elle soit confidentielle ou présumée comme telle. Il s’entend que cette clause s’applique au cours du présent accord et après son expiration.

Sont notamment confidentielles les introductions faites par LHi. Si le Client divulgue à un tiers des détails au sujet d’un Candidat introduit par LHi, et si cela aboutit à un engagement par ce tiers ou par son intermédiaire, le Client devra verser à LHi la commission prévue à la clause 2 du présent Accord comme si le Client avait engagé le Candidat. Dans ces conditions, le Client n’aura aucun droit à une garantie de remplacement ou de remboursement au prorata.

LHi a le droit et la licence d’utiliser le nom et le logo du Client dans tout document de marketing et LHi a le droit et la licence d’utiliser, aux mêmes fins, les témoignages d’appréciation et autres déclarations écrites du Client. 

  1. DÉNI DE RESPONSABILITÉ : LHi fait des efforts pour s’assurer de l’exactitude des informations transmises au sujet d’un Candidat. Toutefois, LHi ne garantit ni le fait que ces introductions seront fructueuses, ni l’exactitude de ces informations, ni la qualité de la prestation de services du Candidat. Ainsi, LHi décline toute obligation concernant les réclamations, pertes ou responsabilités découlant d’une inexactitude, de ses actes ou omissions. Le Client doit faire les recherches qu’il juge nécessaires pour (i) vérifier les informations sur le Candidat, (ii) obtenir toute autre information qu’il juge pertinente et acquérir le droit contractuel de faire valoir directement auprès de LHi ses droits en ce qui concerne les actes ou les omissions d’un Candidat.
  2. PRESTATAIRE INDÉPENDANT : Les services fournis aux termes du présent accord sont fournis en qualité de Prestataire indépendant. Aucune disposition du présent accord ne peut être interprétée comme établissant, entre les parties, une relation de principal et d’agent, de coentrepreneurs, de partenaires ou d’employeur et d’employé.
  3. CESSION : Le présent accord et toutes ses dispositions lient LHi, le Client, leurs successeurs et ayants droit respectifs et s’appliquent à leur bénéfice. Toutefois, ni le présent accord ni les droits, intérêts ou obligations y figurant ne sont cessibles par une partie sans le consentement écrit préalable de l’autre.
  4. CONDUITE LICITE : Les parties ne doivent pas agir ou permettre que les personnes avec qui elles sont associées agissent d’une manière qui n’est pas conforme à toutes les lois et réglementations applicables, ce qui inclut ce qui suit sans toutefois s’y limiter : la Loi de 2010 sur l’égalité [Equality Act
  5. 2010], la Loi de 2010 sur la corruption [Bribery Act 2010], la Loi de 2006 sur l’immigration, le droit d’asile et la nationalité [Immigration Asylum and Nationality Act 2006], les Réglementations sur le temps de travail [Working Time Regulations], la Loi de 1974 sur l’hygiène et la sécurité au travail [Health and Safety at Work Act 1974], les Réglementations de 2010 sur le travail intérimaire [Agency Workers Regulations 2010], les Réglementations de 2003 relatives au fonctionnement des agences d’emploi et des entreprises de travail [Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003] et les Réglementations de 2015 sur l’impôt sur le revenu (retenue à la source) [Income Tax (Pay As You Earn) Regulations 2015] ou toutes autres obligations auxquelles les parties sont habituellement assujetties envers leurs propres employés, y compris la souscription d’une assurance couvrant la responsabilité civile de l’employeur et la responsabilité civile envers les tiers.

Les parties doivent fournir les informations et les documents qui pourraient être raisonnablement requis par l’autre pour que celle-ci soit en mesure de s’acquitter de ses obligations sur le plan juridique.

  1. DROITS DES TIERS : Toute personne qui n’est pas une partie au présent accord ne détient aucun droit de faire valoir une disposition quelconque du présent Accord au regard de la Loi de 1999 sur les contrats (droits des tiers) [Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999].
  2. NON-SOLLICITATION/NÉGOCIATION : Le Client ne doit pas, que ce soit au cours du présent Accord ou dans les 12 mois suivant son expiration, sauf par le biais ou avec le consentement écrit préalable de LHi, directement ou indirectement, en quelque qualité que ce soit (qu’il s’agisse d’une tentative ou d’un acte effectif) d’engager, faire engager, négocier ou faire négocier avec un employé ou un cadre de LHi ou avec toute personne ayant tenu un tel poste au cours des 12 mois qui précèdent immédiatement cet acte ou cette tentative, que cette personne commette ou non de ce fait une violation de son contrat de travail ou d’engagement avec LHi.
  3. RECLAMATION : Toute réclamation au titre du présent Accord sera envoyé par courrier électronique dans le cas du Client à l’adresse électronique habituelle de ses représentants, dans le cas de LHi à ou à l’une ou l’autre partie par courrier recommandé à l’adresse de son siège social ou de toute autre manière indiquée selon les besoins à l’expéditeur par le destinataire pour les besoins du présent Accord.
  4. COÛTS : Si LHi engage une procédure pour faire valoir ses droits aux termes du présent accord et s’il est la partie dominante dans cette procédure, LHi aura droit aux coûts et frais de la revendication ayant été engagés dans le cadre de cette procédure sur une base indemnitaire.
  5. LOI APPLICABLE ET JURIDICTION : Le présent accord et tout litige qui est imputable ou lié au présent accord, à son objet ou à sa formation (y compris les litiges ou les revendications de nature non-contractuelle) sont régis par le droit anglais et gallois. Les parties conviennent que les tribunaux anglais et gallois ont la compétence exclusive concernant tout litige découlant du présent accord ou de toute autre manière.
  6. MODIFICATION : Aucune modification ou altération du présent Accord n’est valide si elle n’a pas été approuvée par écrit par un Administrateur de LHi.
  7. RÉGLEMENTATIONS : Pour les besoins des Réglementations de 2003 relatives au fonctionnement des agences d’emploi et des entreprises de travail [Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003] ou de toute modification de ces réglementations, LHi exploite à la fois une entreprise de travail et une agence d’emploi.
  8. RÉSILIATION : Le présent accord est résiliable par l’une ou l’autre partie en adressant un avis écrit soit pour des raisons de convenance avec un préavis de 30 jours, soit avec effet immédiat lorsque l’autre partie soit (i) commet une violation substantielle qui n’est pas remédiable ou bien à laquelle elle ne remédie pas dans les 14 jours qui suivent l’avis écrit notifiant cette violation, soit (ii) devient insolvable, fait faillite ou fait l’objet de la désignation d’un séquestre ou d’un administrateur judiciaire en ce qui la concerne ou en ce qui concerne toute partie de son entreprise ou de ses actifs ou si elle adopte une résolution de mise en liquidation (sauf aux fins d’établir de bonne foi un plan de fusion ou de reconstitution solvable), ou si elle conclut volontairement un concordat avec ses créanciers ou si elle cesse ou menace de cesser d’exercer son activité ou si un tribunal rend une ordonnance à cet effet ou à un effet semblable.

Les paragraphes suivants continuent à s’appliquer après la résiliation : 2 (Commissions et Dépenses), 3 (Cause d’Engagement), 5 (Modalités de Paiement), 6 (Confidentialité), 7 (Déni de Responsabilité), 10 (Conduite Licite), 12 (Non-Sollicitation), 13 (Réclamation), 14 (Coûts), 15 (Loi applicable et Juridiction), 18 (Résiliation) et 19 (Interprétation).

  1. INTERPRÉTATION : Pour les besoins du présent Accord :

« Candidat » désigne toute personne introduite par LHi au Client pour un engagement y compris sans toutefois s’y limiter, toute société ou autre entité juridique par l’intermédiaire de laquelle cette personne peut opérer et tout autre partenaire, administrateur, actionnaire ou employé d’une société ou autre entité juridique et les membres du propre personnel de LHi.

« Client » désigne la personne, l’entreprise, l’organisation ou la personne morale, ainsi que toute filiale ou toute société ou personne apparentée ou liée, selon la définition de la Loi de 2006 sur les Sociétés [Companies Act 2006] à laquelle LHi introduit ou s’engage à introduire des Candidats, comme cela pourrait être mieux décrit, mais pas nécessairement, à la section du présent Accord où figurent les signatures.

« introduire » désigne toute manière ou tout moyen de communication de l’identité d’un Candidat, y compris sans toutefois s’y limiter, la fourniture d’un curriculum vitae ou de toutes autres informations qui identifient ou à partir desquelles il est possible d’identifier le Candidat, l’entrevue en personne ou par téléphone ou l’engagement du Candidat. « introduction » et « introduit » ont des significations équivalentes.